One of my goals in operating Home Sweet Hammy Home is to share credible care information because 90% of the people who contact me wishing to adopt are not aware of proper hamster care. 5 percent know a little bit and the other 5 percent have extensive hamster care knowledge. I aim to teach all that I know 100 percent and my resource list has grown over the years so I am excited to share it with anyone who wants to learn. Below are just a few of my new finds, but more will be added as I am able
Because so many others have done all the hard work and my time is super limited in running this rescue I'll just link quickly to each resource, but please spend time reviewing these for a more in depth understanding of proper hamster care. One of my favorite YouTube Channels dedicated to improving the lives of hamsters is Cosmic Hamsters where you can find videos about DIY's including building your own hamster cage and accessories, which wheels work well, hamster issues affecting our community and so much more! Another You Tube channel that has very good videos is MyCuteHamster where you will find a variety of hamster videos and helpful visuals and advice. Lastly, one of my favorite hamster videos is called Hamsters Take Patience
This scientific journal has been circulating amongst the hamster community and I first learned of it from Munchies Place who also links to this website to give us examples of proper hamster care.